Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August : What happened to Winter?

Exciting things came in the mail this week.

1. A gorgeous little brooch from Sophie Isobel Designs.
I was one of the lucky ones who won a brooch in her recent giveaway.

The packing was delightful, let alone the pretty brooch.
Sophie makes some really pretty things, with a literary twist for those who are bookworms like moi. She sells her wares here and here.

2. The results of my first university assignment! I am glad to say that my hard work and late nights are paying off - I received a high distinction! I'm still in a state of disbelief. But happy disbelief! I hope it's a sign of things to come.

What else is happening? Besides study and the usual drudgery of daily housework, we have added toilet training to our routine. I was hesitant to leave it until Little Man was nearly three (he'll be three in October) but I have to say that waiting that little bit longer has made a marked difference - he's really getting the hang of it quickly. And he's super proud of himself, as am I of him.

Little Miss is growing so fast. It astounds me everyday that she is no more a baby, but a little girl! And the more girly she gets, the more girly I get, it seems. So I am enjoying that also!

Lola the sausage dog is enjoying life too and long walks along the waterfront. She likes to sit on Little Man's lap on the way. They are the best of friends.

As much as I'm enjoying my course, I am looking forward to studies being over the year and getting into some serious sewing - I have a gazillion dresses lined up to make Little Miss as well as some shorts for Little Man and maybe a dress or two for me.

Have you seen this dolls house? Makes me giddy. I love dolls houses, and I adore Charlie and Lola, so this did it for me. Check out Charlie's bedroom! {Image from here.}

And these Cowgirl Cookies are on my to-do list for Christmas gifts (yes I'm thinking about it already). I love the idea of gifting the jars with the ingredients, all done up pretty with ribbons and labels. {Images from here.}
I'm also putting these stars on my list for the children - made locally to me by Instinct and Grace. {Image from here.}


Amy said...

I'm so jealous you were a winner of the brooch! Congrats!!!

Unknown said...

Lin what a full post . I love the brooch and the packaging . A high distinction that is incredible ! You must be working really hard , congratulations .