Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our country is burning

Our beautiful country is experiencing her worst bush fires in recorded history. So many lives affected, so many lives lost.

Being so far away, up here in Queensland, besides donating money, it seems all we can do is sit back and watch the horror unfold on our TV screens.

And it seems that it's times like these that the best and worst of human nature is experienced.

On one hand, the lower-than-low life(s) who started these fires, and along with them, while our country still burns, the looters and the con-artists, who are cashing in on other people's misery.

On the other extreme are the selfless fire fighters and volunteers, animals carers, the donators of blood, clothes, food and over 30 MILLION DOLLARS.

$30,000,000! Even in these times of financial crisis, Aussies dig dip.

It is times like these, I am so proud to be Australian.
These images give me goosebumps.
And hope, that there is still SO much good out there.

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